Saturday, May 1, 2010

I Wonder Where He's At

Day 1

Today marks the first day of "I wonder where he is at".  I wanted that phone to ring so I could hear the sweet voice of my oldest son just one more time before he departed. Bright and early at 5:00am that  much needed but dreaded phone call comes in. "Mom, I love you with all my heart, just remember that" I knew what this call was about and fought with every ounce of my being to not shed a tear. I did not want him to know about the fear that I carry around when events like this happen. I did not want him to hear the pain in my heart as he was telling me good bye for 7 months. I did not do such a stellar job though, my voice cracked and my body trembled as I told him that I loved him so very much, to stay safe, and to come home soon. "Mom, I have to go now, we are getting on the bus right now and pulling out, Mom, I love you, I will talk to you soon" I could not for the life of me hang up that phone. I knew in my heart he was not finished. "Mom, wait.. Go wake up Chrissy, I have to tell her that I love her". Walking into a dark room as my baby girl slept, I had to wake her up because her brother needed her. He needed to hear her voice just like we needed to hear his. It does not matter how much sibling rivalry these kids had growing up, soon as Jerod joined the Marine Corps, it all faded away. I gently shook Chrissy's shoulder, and handed her the phone. "Whats wrong?" she asked me with a puzzled look on her face with half closed eyes. I told her it was her brother, and he was getting ready to leave. I could see her body deflate as she put the phone to her ear. "Hey bud".. and their brief conversation began and ended in 30 seconds flat. In that 30 seconds, so much was said, and so much love was shared. I stood there and watched the expressions on my daughters face as she was saying goodbye to her older brother and I could not help but let the tears fall. I was expecting to be handed back a phone that had been hung up, but Jerod was not done. "Mom, I am leaving now, tell Bradley I love him and I will see him soon. You cannot wake him up mom, mom please do not wake him up because saying goodbye to him is almost as bad as saying goodbye to you". I complied with his request, we exchanged I love you's once more. I could not hang up, my fingers would not let go of my phone. I had to hear the click and the silence before I could let it go. I heard it, the call was over, and I fell to pieces very quietly. I grabbed my pillows off my bed downstairs and went up to Jerods bedroom and tried to fall back to sleep..

15 long hours have passed and I sit here and wonder where he is now. Is he in Maine? I start thinking to myself, I cannot forget to check the website later to see the pictures of the Marines that flew through there today and if I don't find them there, I have to remember to check them here . Any little tiny glimps of him is what I am looking for. When you are a parent or a loved one with a member of the Military, these days never get any easier and you do what you can to get yourself through the day. And this is one way I deal with it. Just remember, this is only day 1 Kim, this is the easy part. Yea... ok.. Hmmmm.. I wonder where he is now.

Quite a few exciting things have happen over the last few days. Norine Rosetti got to welcome her husband Chris home from Afghanistan. After several delays because of the volcano, he finally arrived in the wee hours yesterday morning. Welcome home 3/4 Wpns Co!! most of all though.. WELCOME HOME CHRIS!!!! This family holds a very special place in my heart and will forever hold that special place. Soon as Chris settles in with his family, me and him will go back to our online Scrabble wars and I will whoop his tail like always. Chris honey, you just cannot touch my smartness, come get you some!!!

Another exciting event, a dear old friend that I reconnected on facebook with from way back in the day got on a plane in Japan to come back to the States. I am hoping and praying that his trip is safe and uneventful. I am excited for him that he will get to see his kiddos soon. Now that the time difference gap is history, I am looking forward to catching up on old times with him. Welcome home Dave..

Another exciting event.. yep, I am full of them over the last few days!! Anyway, I got to talk to another friend from way back in the day. This has to be the easiest reunion as of yet. When I started talking to Joe, it was like we never lost touch. The conversation was hillarious to say the least. We talked about my dad and all the craziness of the past. But hey, it was all fun back then. But, something about that converstion with Joe last night. I was able to just forget about all the crap going on, push back the fact that my oldest son was due to leave some hours later, and just laugh.. I really really needed those laughs, and I think Joe knew it. Hopefully, we won't have a repeat conversation on just how old we are getting, and the fact that his favorite word to call me is GRANNY. It was nice to talk about our kids and their accomplishments and where they are going in the future. Thanks Joe, I look forward to more laughs..

One of the absolute best things that have happen over the last few days is finding out that fellow Marine mom Patti was at Twenty Nine Palms awaiting the arrival of her son from Afghanistan. Poor Patti has been waiting since the 21st for the reunion that kept getting pushed back day after day with delays. Again, due to the volcano. I do not think we put two and two together when she was headed that way, that she was going to the exact place my son was at. In conversation the other night it came up that Jerod was due to leave early this morning and all he had with him was his wife Daniella. Patti so very lovingly said she would go be with Jerod if Jerod would allow it. I immediately called Jerod, told him there was a Marine mom there that would love to stand in my place with him while he departed. He was excited. Jerod wanted to meet with Patti as soon as he could, so after spending his last night in Palm Springs with his new wife, he stopped at Patti and her husbands hotel room on his way back. My son got a momma hug and for that I am so very grateful. Jerod and Daniella spent a little bit of time with Patti, then ran to get the rest of his things together for the late night deployment. Late late in the night, Patti and her husband joined Jerod on the base and waited together as everyone assembled to leave out. I want to thank Patti from the bottom of my heart for treating my son like he was her own. Jerod felt the love from Patti and her husband and was so thankful that he had a family with him. He said it wasn't "his" family, but it was his "new" family. I betcha money, he stays in contact with you Patti.. you really touched his heart, and you have forever touched mine. Thank you soo very much for being there for me when I couldn't.

I am soooo excited for Patti and her husband.. Their wait to be reunited with thier son is coming to an end!! Their son has called within the last hour to let them know he is back on US soil and is currently in Maine. BOOTS ARE BACK ON THE GROUND!!! Tomorrow morning around 6am California time, Pattie and her husband will get to see their son after 7 long months.. I am so excited for all of you and cannot wait to see pictures and hear reunion stories..

There is a lot more that I could say, but my fingers are going numb. I will come back here later on and put up pictures that Patti snapped of Jerods departure.

Hmmmmmm.... I wonder where he is at now?

1 comment:

  1. Tears flowing..know that the Maine people gave them lots of love on the way out! love Tammy
