Friday, April 30, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

 You tell them to stay out of the woods and they will go roll in it. Just because mom said NO!! Boys will be boys.

We have been fighting the effects of poison ivy since Saturday night. Bradley knows full well he is allergic to the crap, but yet fails to protect himself from getting exposed to it. What am I supposed to do, hold his hand while he is outside playing? I think not!! I have taught him time and time again what that green leafy crap looks like. I have shown him time and time again what it does to him when he gets in it. It's not like he doesn't know what it does, I am not the one who swells up with yukky blisters that itch so bad I cry to my mommy at all hours of the night... HELLLLLOOOOOO Boys will be boys!!

Soooo, Sunday, I have to take my blistered, red, oozy, and might I add EXTEMELY whiney child to the after hours pediatrician. Said pediatrician lectured Bradley ONCE AGAIN that he needs to stay away from this green leafy stuff because it will eventually make him real sick if it gets to bad. Then he explains to Bradley that this time, because it was so bad he would be required to get a SHOT of steroids to slow down the progression. All hell broke loose. Oh.. did I tell you that Bradley is terrified of needles?? He gets his shot, proceeds to tell me how mean I am for making him get said shot, tells the doctor that he is mean for making him get the shot. Boys will be boys!!

Monday was terrible. He whined all night Sunday night that it was still itching. The meds did not work. yadda yadda yadda.. The school sees it and puts some anti itch gel crap on it, and it SPREAD even faster, got blood red and blistered more.. He comes home whining mom it hurts, mom it hurts. I tried everything I could prior, I was at a loss. I rummaged through the medicen cabinet, and came out with Tenactin athletes foot poweder and powdered his ass up. Hey, it said ANTI ITCH on it, by golly I was going to try it!! It worked!! BUT, only for a short period of time. But I tried it for 2 days..

Wednesday... ohh Wednesday... We had to go back to the doctor because the school insisted on putting that damn gel anti itch crap on him again and he had a worse reaction than the first time they did it after I told them NOT to put anythng on him.. So another shot, more meds... Then insurance wanted to be an ass and not cover it.. so we didnt get the meds til today..

The meds work though!! Thank goodness.. The cooties are going away, hes not complaining of itching anymore, the redness is gone..... BUT....

He turned into a MONSTER!!! He is eating everything in site, cannot sleep, and is crabby..

Can't win for losing!!!! BUT.... Boys will be boys...

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