Sunday, May 9, 2010

three out of three life is perfect

1 minute and 45 seconds left in Mothers Day and my phone rings... MOM, Happy Mothers Day, thats if it's still Mothers Day.. I do not care if it was or wasn't.. I got to hear my sons voice and know he is ok. I got lots of I love you's. Life is perfect again... 

Mothers Day..
ALL three children made Mothers Day very special. Waking up to the hugs and kisses this morning was the best. They cleaned the house to get it ready for the Mothers Day cook out and only argued a little bit. Jerods truck got hauled away to Caseys dads house to be restored for Casey. That was a sad time, but I am so glad its out of my driveway!! Mom, dad, and Sharon came over to cook out this afternoon. I love family get togethers but it sure is not the same anymore with out Jerod here. We all had a great time, especially after mom and I ran away to go get some crab legs and shrimp! You can't have Mothers Day with out crab legs and shrimp. We have made that our little tradition every year, this year wasn't going to be any different. I received some really nice cards from the kids.. Each card fit their personalities so well it was scary. After I opened the cards, they had a gift for me. A beautiful picture frame with pictures of all my kiddos and my new kiddos Casey and Daniella. This is a gift that I will treasure for many years to come. I absolutely LOVE it.

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