Thursday, May 13, 2010

Soldier vs HP Printer

DAY 13
I had a green dot in the wee hours this morning. More like 3:30 am.. Got to do a little catching up, see how hes been, get a bunch of I love you's and a "mom, I will be fine don't worry about me". You know what my silent response was.. YEAAA RIGHT.. Then he was gone.. I do not care of the conversation is 3 minutes or 3 hours, any little bit, I am extremely grateful for.

I was going to blog about Integrity tonight, but some other pressing things that have pissed me off changed my mind. Not saying that integrity isn't important, this is MORE important.

I am going to sit here and bitch and flat out complain about how some people and business treats our American Soldiers and for once, I am not even going to apologize for my foul language . I do not care if they are Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force, National Guard, Active Duty, or Reservists. These men and women sign on a dotted line to protect our country DO or DIE. They knew the moment they signed they were risking their lives. Risking leaving their families behind to grieve, risking their families time and energy if the person gets injured. My God, these men and women give every inch of themselves for US. Me, you, your parents, your kids, your neighbors, and every person on this planet that breathes. Just because they are in a foreign Country, does not mean they do not deserve the respect of everyone. INCLUDING businesses. These people would not be in business if these men and women were not out there doing what they do. We have had many, and I stress MANY attempts on our Country to bring us down. Our Military rely on modern technology over there just as they do over here in the UNITED STATES. If our Military need help to fix something and I do not care what the fk it is, expedite and I mean MOVE YOUR DAMN ASS and give them what they need like yesterday. Don't give them some lame excuse that they have to give you a credit card number because the damn call is going to cost them $19.95 a second to walk them through a procedure to fix a product that is NEEDED to do a Military job over in Iraq or Afghanistan. Hello dumb asses, I do believe these men and women need this multi purpose copy machine for more than scanning and printing their ass cheeks so they can duct tape them to every outpost they go to. Give me a break. HEWLETT PACKARD, just by watching the video that I have posted below, I will NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER buy another product manufactured by them. They are a complete disgrace to the American people. I have a damn HP printer sitting right in front of me that only works when it wants to, that I would like to take a baseball bat to right now and beat the living shit out of it. I am ashamed of having it in my house. How can a company like that, treat out Military the way they do? Let me find another Business treating our Military like they did the Soldier who is only trying to do his job for the betterment of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I will take a ball bat to whatever it is and beat the living shit out of it too. I do not care how much money I lose in the process. Money is money, these men are doing what they are doing and trying to survive. I am a momma of a Marine. If my son was ever treated like that by a business while serving our Country and I found out about it. Buddy let me tell you, they would all wish they were out there with him, standing beside him, fighting for our Country, while praying every day that it is not their last day on Earth, when I got finished with them. That my friends is a PROMISE!

Please watch this video and prepare to get disgusted. Although, the video is hilarious it pisses me off to no end that Hewlett Packard would not help this Soldier fix his printer without PAYING them a fee to tell him how to fix it.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Soldier vs HP Printer - Watch more Funny Videos


  1. I love it My son's a Marine and his weapon was not working one shot then it would stick so they took it apaprt time after time and after a few dozen times they figured out there is a spring missing Thank God no one was shoting back at him!! Or he would have been dead!! I asked as a stupid american who still hopes they get what they need!! Did you get a new weapon?? He laughed and said no I did get a new spring!! Go figure!! Somehow I don't think this will shock you!! LOL

  2. I am the mother that just posted about my Marine and his weapon My name is Tabby and my e-mail is just wanted you to know I love your blog!!
