Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just Not a Good Day

Today is not the best day. I am out of sorts for really no reason at all. Just one of those days that start and you cannot wait to get it over with. Dinner is on the stove, I got a late start because everyone took a nap after Bradley got home from school. I guess we are all feeling the effects of the blah kinda day.

The good news is I had a green dot when I got out of the shower last night. I got to talk to Jerod for about 15 minutes. He has made it safely to Afghanistan and is at his FOB. Well, it's not really his FOB but he is at one none the less. He will be there for a few days before they push on to the destination they are supposed to be at. Even I have no idea where that is, but I know that contact will be minimal at best. Could that be why I am in such a blah mood? Could be, but I am not certain. Here is to hoping for another green dot tonight, as this is the only way to truly know he is doing just fine. Please remember to say a prayer for all Military men and women tonight as you lay your head down. Please don't forget to thank any present or former Military men or women when you come across them. You may think the words Thank You are simple or trivial, but to them, its worth farm much more.

I started this post about 3 hours ago. So dinner has been finished and the clean up process is about to start. I loved cooking dinner with my favorite daughter in the world. She has learned how to cook many different foods lately and they are not burned. Now that is PROGRESS! Any little time I get to spend with her is priceless. Chrissy is growing up so fast on me and its breaking my heart into pieces. She is about to start college in a very short time. I guess I just have the fear that another one is soon to be leaving home. I honestly do not think I am ready for that. Some parents cannot wait for their kids to grow up and leave the nest. I was guilty of that. Do you see that key word "was" there? Jerod broke me in right. When he left home to join the Marine Corps, I about died. I made the decision then that I do not care if my remaining two ever leave. I guess I am just afraid of being alone. I have never in my life been alone and I do not want to start now. I know they grow up and move on, but come on, who is going to stick around and take care of mom?!?! I guess I need to find where I stored them big girl under pants and put them on. Haha..I have great kids and they mean the world to me. I know they will be even better adults as they grow up. I am so proud of each and every one of them. That goes for all my "surrogate" kids too.. wait.. and my surrogate grand babies.. Those are the ones that will keep me young!! Here is to hoping!!

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