Friday, May 7, 2010

Not to Much to Say

Wow, it has been a week since Jerod left for Afghanistan. It seems like it has been longer than that. I know from first hand experience that the beginning of deployment seems like it drags on forever. That seems to be the case for this one as well. I have not heard from him since Tuesday? I think. Maybe it was Wednesday, I have no idea anymore. Hoping for that little green dot.......

I am hoping, praying, begging, stomping my feet, and anticipating some kind of connection with Jerod on Mothers Day. Yea, I agree, that is a little selfish of me. Nothing will satisfy me more than to hear his voice and hear for myself that he is doing ok. I say that its selfish, because there are some moms out there that won't be able to hear from their sons or daughters.

I mailed off my first care package today to Jerod. I packed that box as full as I can. All they have out there in the middle of no where are MRE's. So I packed him some easy to carry snack foods that he can munch on and share with his buddies. I will be sending at least 2 boxes a week that way they have steady snacks rolling in. They are all growing men, that cannot live off the little rations they get. Its the least I can do for these Marines.

Other than that, I really don't have much to talk about tonight. I am just patiently waiting for some word on how things are going.

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