Thursday, April 29, 2010

Facebook.. The blessing and the curse

Anyone who knows me knows all to well, me thinking is almost always dangerous.My thoughts have really consumed my time. Going back can give some people a lot of joy, but going way back can stir up a lot of pain. Well, I not only went back, I have gone way way back.

Lately, I have reconnected with some people I knew "back in the day".  Reconnecting with those very people have brought up a lot of memories. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of good memories, but there were/are some not so good ones thrown in the mix. There are still some people from back in the day that I wish I could reconnect with that I cannot find. I will find them eventually, soon as my not so young memory remembers last names. Those people hold a lot of very special memories of my dad. It's not all about old boyfriends, drunken parties, late night walks on the beach because some of my connections are female. Although all of that was fun and I wouldn't change a darn single bit of it (haha) I simply miss my dad. 

Facebook has become a joy and a curse. Some people are unforgettable, so there wasn't any problem there. One connection went south very quickly, but hey, that is life what can you do about it. It is what it is. Can that connection be fixed? Yes. Am I holding my breath? Uhh.. No.. Do I hope things change? Most certainly. There is another friend that I reconnected with and I hope I never lose touch with again. They always managed to make me laugh (and still does). I got in trouble with my dad once because of them but it was worth it. It has been so long since we have talked and as soon as they bridge that massive time difference gap, I am hoping that we can talk more. Another is a wonderful girl who went through my whole pregnancy with Jerod right along side of me until she changed duty stations the week before he was born :(. That was hard, I didn't think I could go through giving birth without her. But I did!! Then you have the people who know me through my dad that have added me lately. I would like to have the reconnection with them so we can share memories of my dad and other fun times, but I have a hard time placing who they are. Gee wiz, it has only been what 20 years?!? Ha, maybe if they had pictures of them back in the day, it may jog my memory a little (hint hint) But it's all good, I love talking to new old friends. 

See, these people are all the memories I have of my dad. I don't have many pictures. And the ones I do have are not ones that I want to share. They either have the step witch in them or they were of him when we found out he had cancer. I would have more pictures of my entire family, pictures of me with my dad, pictures of Jerod with my dad, pictures of my dad during his 25+ years in the Navy.. BUT, that step witch violated the court order to give my dads things to me and burned his house down and everything in there was a total loss. That is one of the reason these new old connections are so important to me, they are all I have left of my unruly teenage years. Wait, I wasn't unruly, I was just a little wild and liked to have fun. How could you not when you are stuck smack in the middle of a bunch of ...ahem.... Navy guys who liked to party at my dads place? Whats that saying? If you can't beat them, join them. Hey, that's what memories are made of, fun times, good people, and beer. You live and you learn the hard way sometimes. I lived, learned, and grew up fast and I wouldn't change it for the world. Enough about that...

So, I am looking forward to making more new old facebook friends as they come along. Who says your past has to stay your past and cannot be part of your today and or future? If it wasn't for the internet, I would have never talked to these people again. If it works out.. wonderful... if it doesn't, that's to bad. But, I will never know unless I keep an open mind and try.

Here is getting to know you again!

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