Thursday, April 22, 2010

Round 1.. Kim fights the School Board

Tomorrow I have to go to Juvenile Court to plead my case about my 11 year old son Bradley's TRUANCY.

See.. here is the deal.. We had not seen Jerod since April 2009. Jerod deployed to Iraq in October 2009. Jerod returned from Iraq in February 2010. And by this point we still had not seen him yet. Jerod while in Iraq volunteered to go to Afghanistan with another unit who was short personnel. Jerod came home on March 24th on pre-deployment leave. I made Bradley continue the rest of the week at school, even though I was getting flack from Jerod and Bradley. At the schools urging, I let Bradley stay home Monday and Tuesday to spend some quality time with Jerod and Daniella. The rest of the week I made him go to school.

Last week, I get a letter in the mail telling me that I had to bring Bradley and myself to juvenile court on Friday April 23rd to tell them why my son has missed 5 days of school. Although I was FLOORED when I read it, I had to sit back and laugh.What in the hell are these people thinking? For 1. The principal and the teachers TOLD me to keep Bradley home. Told me Bradley has talked about missing his brother and that they both needed the time together. I agreed. In our school handbook, it states and I quote " A one day absence for students whose parent or guardian is leaving for active military duty, and a one day absence for students whose parent or guardian is returning from active military duty" Granted Jerod is not his parent or guardian, he is none the less his blood immediate family and a service member in our military. I did not abuse the system, Bradley stayed out 1 day for his brother returning from a WAR and 1 day for his brother DEPLOYING TO A WAR. They can kiss my ass!!

To beat it all, Bradley is also involved in a School Sponsored club. TSA to be exact. We went on a SCHOOL competition field trip that I chaperoned. Those days have also been counted UNEXCUSED. HELLO!!!! Is this County lacking the brain cells it needs to operate? 

So yea, this has me a little pissed off. We go to court tomorrow and I am out for blood. There is no one in this world that is going to tell me how to parent my children. I have wonderful law abiding, never in trouble, awesome grades, respectful, kids. They do not run the streets, do drugs, hang out in parking lots, bring weapons to school, etc.. that a lot of these other under parented kids do around here. For crying out loud he wanted to spend time with his brother. A brother who is out there playing his part in protecting our Country. So in a nice way I will tell them to get off my ass and remind them that when Jerod returns in December that Bradley will be out of class once again, spending time with his brother who has returned from his second war. And if they don't like it they can take it up with some one else and leave me the hell alone. These are MY kids and I will do with them what I feel necessary. Lord willing, Jerod will come home from this war unharmed, and Bradley will get to enjoy every minute I let him stay home!

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