Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It Doesn't Matter If I Am NOT Ready

It seems just like yesterday that Jerod returned home from Iraq. It was February 6th to be exact. I remember that previous night, the absolute best person in the world called me every hour on the hour with updates. She went out there when she thought they were coming in, and stayed for hours upon hours waiting for my son to come back to base. It was freezing cold, and her and all the girls stayed the course. They wanted to make sure that Jerod had family waiting on him when he got off the bus.

That same dear friend of mine is currently waiting on her own husband to get off that bus. The volcano in Iceland is preventing their timely return as we speak, but it will be soon. I can not wait to give the good ole "welcome home" on the phone. I love the Rosetti family like they are my own.

So what has led up to tonights rant that is evading my finger tips? I got the warning call. TMO has left with their gear. That means one thing. Any moment now. I am not ready, but that doesn't matter. Will I ever be ready to see my son go off to war? NO, I won't be. It feels like its the first time. This is deployment # 2 in less than 8 months. In February I learned how to sleep again, I didn't let a simple knock at the door make me jump out of my skin. I knew I could leave my house without fear of my phone ringing and me miss a phone call. I could turn off my computer without missing a chance to see him on Skype. I could breathe.. I could simply breathe.

Less than a week.. I will be up all night praying that my son stays safe.. praying that all the men with him will stay safe.. I will be packing boxes to ship.. I will be waiting for phone calls that I know will not be there because of where they are going, but I will wait anyway. There is a good thing about that though.. I got rid of the house phone and use my cell phone exclusive.. I will never miss a call. But none the less, I will be waiting. I will go back to leaving my door open. If its open, no one can knock, that is my philosphy. People laugh at me. Laugh all you want, I really do not care. I do what gets me through the day.

See, unless you are a parent or a wife of a Military servicemember, you cannot begin to understand what we go through. Especially very close families. When they are having a bad day, when they are stressed, when they are hungry, tired, or hurt, we feel it. I can bet you any amount of money, when Jerod is out of sorts I can feel every bit of it and I do not even have to talk to him to know. Its a mom thing. Let me do what I have to do to make life more bearable for myself. Don't laugh at me, mock me, or point fingers and tell me that I am crazy. I am a mom who will worry every single day until I know my son is back on US soil. It is NOT easy. It is down right terrifying.

I love my Marine with every ounce of my being. I will be right here waiting for his return. God willing he will return unharmed along with each and every one of the men that go along side of him. I will PRAY like there is no tomorrow and be grateful to see each and every day.

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