Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Borrowed This and Had To Share

This is so true and amazing that I have been through these same exact and I mean EXACT feelings, fears, and emotions.

You don't know, but I am the mom who cries every morning and hopes every night for his safe return. I am the mom that drags herself out of bed every morning so that he will be proud of her when he comes home.

You don't know but I am the mom with a million things to say, but none will come out without the thought of him. I am the mom who checks her phone every 5 seconds just to make sure I haven't missed his call. I am the mom who stops and stares and wishes for him to return soon each and everytime another man in uniform walks by.

What you don't know is that I know love on an entirely different level than most. I know the love that spans time and space. The love that most parents are constantly searching for. ... See More... See More

I can tell you I know more about love in homecoming, then most know in a lifetime. You don't know that when he left a part of me went with him and a part of him stayed with me. You tell me that you know how I feel and understand what I am going through, but you have no idea, so please don't say you do.

What you don't realize is that I understand the true meaning of not only love but of longing and anticipation.

You don't see, but I am one of the few who gets goose bumps and choke back the tears as my heart fills with pride everytime I hear the national anthem play. I am one of those moms that will stand tall and stay strong on the outside when I feel like I am dying on the inside.

I am one of the moms who will make friends with complete strangers, for only they can begin to understand what I am going through for they go through it each and every day also with one of their loved ones serving. And please don't say you do, because you never will. You don't understand that I picture his face everywhere I go and he is with me in everything I do.
You think I don't cry anymore, that I have gotten over it... What you don't know is that I just hide it better.

You don't know the feeling the word "deployment" brings. Or the feeling of his hand as it slides out of your hand for what could be forever as he boards the bus, the ship or the plane that will take him to harms way. You don't know what that last smile, hug and kiss mean, how important that goodbye truly is.

You tell me you support the troops, I tell you I love a Marine. I am one of the silent, but outgoing. One of the weak but strong. Scared but Proud.

What you don't see is that he needs me & I need him.

I am one of those moms who stands tall behind her Marine.

Stands tall behind her hero.

Stands tall behind her son.

Watching silently and patiently as he serves and defends our country,praying many, many times throughout the day for his safety......waiting for him to come home with that same mischieveous smile and that same twinkle in his eyes and to hear those precious, precious words, "Mom, i'm on US soil. I'll be home soon."
You don't see that I will drop to my knees and thank God for my son's safe return. You don't know the tears of relief I will sob and you don't know that for the first time in seven months, I can truly breathe again.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs and prayers for you and Jerod Kim. We're all here for you in any way that you need. <3
