Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Second Love of My Life

Chrissy is my second born. She was always a very active child. She did not care if she got dirty. More often than not, the more dirty she was the happier she was. That eventually changed though!

Chrissy kept me the busiest out of all of my kids. She, just like Jerod was a dare devil. If it constituted danger she was right in the middle of it. She has been the best one in school by far. I don't think the boys really cared much about school but Chrissy seems to really enjoy it. SMART, where she got it from, I have no clue.

Chrissy played softball for years and years. She played for the her Middle school as well as parks and rec. Her favorite was travel softball. All the way up til she tore her Maniscus (sp). That pretty much closed her softball career down. She played most all positions, but bending as one of the only catchers that could catch for Chelsea did no good for her knees.

Chrissy started high school and pretty much hated it. There wasn't much of a challenge for her academically. She got bored easily and was one of the only kids that would skip school and come home and take a nap and still make strait A's in all honors classes. We as a family decided at the start of her Junior year to just pull her out of high school and home school her. She had really started to get sick (literally) all the time since starting high school. So bad that at one point in her freshman year, she had to be placed on home bound for 7 weeks because we could not get her better no matter what me or the doctors did. That continued all through her sophomore year as well. So home school was the best option. August of 2009 Chrissy started her Junior year as a home schooler, and completely graduated high school in March 2010.

Now we are college bound. I have never in my life seen someone want to go to college so bad, but the college's give them so much hell. She has had to jump through so many hoops to try and get into any college, but I have a feeling the troubles are starting to come to an end. Hopefully in August she will be a college student.

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