Friday, April 30, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

 You tell them to stay out of the woods and they will go roll in it. Just because mom said NO!! Boys will be boys.

We have been fighting the effects of poison ivy since Saturday night. Bradley knows full well he is allergic to the crap, but yet fails to protect himself from getting exposed to it. What am I supposed to do, hold his hand while he is outside playing? I think not!! I have taught him time and time again what that green leafy crap looks like. I have shown him time and time again what it does to him when he gets in it. It's not like he doesn't know what it does, I am not the one who swells up with yukky blisters that itch so bad I cry to my mommy at all hours of the night... HELLLLLOOOOOO Boys will be boys!!

Soooo, Sunday, I have to take my blistered, red, oozy, and might I add EXTEMELY whiney child to the after hours pediatrician. Said pediatrician lectured Bradley ONCE AGAIN that he needs to stay away from this green leafy stuff because it will eventually make him real sick if it gets to bad. Then he explains to Bradley that this time, because it was so bad he would be required to get a SHOT of steroids to slow down the progression. All hell broke loose. Oh.. did I tell you that Bradley is terrified of needles?? He gets his shot, proceeds to tell me how mean I am for making him get said shot, tells the doctor that he is mean for making him get the shot. Boys will be boys!!

Monday was terrible. He whined all night Sunday night that it was still itching. The meds did not work. yadda yadda yadda.. The school sees it and puts some anti itch gel crap on it, and it SPREAD even faster, got blood red and blistered more.. He comes home whining mom it hurts, mom it hurts. I tried everything I could prior, I was at a loss. I rummaged through the medicen cabinet, and came out with Tenactin athletes foot poweder and powdered his ass up. Hey, it said ANTI ITCH on it, by golly I was going to try it!! It worked!! BUT, only for a short period of time. But I tried it for 2 days..

Wednesday... ohh Wednesday... We had to go back to the doctor because the school insisted on putting that damn gel anti itch crap on him again and he had a worse reaction than the first time they did it after I told them NOT to put anythng on him.. So another shot, more meds... Then insurance wanted to be an ass and not cover it.. so we didnt get the meds til today..

The meds work though!! Thank goodness.. The cooties are going away, hes not complaining of itching anymore, the redness is gone..... BUT....

He turned into a MONSTER!!! He is eating everything in site, cannot sleep, and is crabby..

Can't win for losing!!!! BUT.... Boys will be boys...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Facebook.. The blessing and the curse

Anyone who knows me knows all to well, me thinking is almost always dangerous.My thoughts have really consumed my time. Going back can give some people a lot of joy, but going way back can stir up a lot of pain. Well, I not only went back, I have gone way way back.

Lately, I have reconnected with some people I knew "back in the day".  Reconnecting with those very people have brought up a lot of memories. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of good memories, but there were/are some not so good ones thrown in the mix. There are still some people from back in the day that I wish I could reconnect with that I cannot find. I will find them eventually, soon as my not so young memory remembers last names. Those people hold a lot of very special memories of my dad. It's not all about old boyfriends, drunken parties, late night walks on the beach because some of my connections are female. Although all of that was fun and I wouldn't change a darn single bit of it (haha) I simply miss my dad. 

Facebook has become a joy and a curse. Some people are unforgettable, so there wasn't any problem there. One connection went south very quickly, but hey, that is life what can you do about it. It is what it is. Can that connection be fixed? Yes. Am I holding my breath? Uhh.. No.. Do I hope things change? Most certainly. There is another friend that I reconnected with and I hope I never lose touch with again. They always managed to make me laugh (and still does). I got in trouble with my dad once because of them but it was worth it. It has been so long since we have talked and as soon as they bridge that massive time difference gap, I am hoping that we can talk more. Another is a wonderful girl who went through my whole pregnancy with Jerod right along side of me until she changed duty stations the week before he was born :(. That was hard, I didn't think I could go through giving birth without her. But I did!! Then you have the people who know me through my dad that have added me lately. I would like to have the reconnection with them so we can share memories of my dad and other fun times, but I have a hard time placing who they are. Gee wiz, it has only been what 20 years?!? Ha, maybe if they had pictures of them back in the day, it may jog my memory a little (hint hint) But it's all good, I love talking to new old friends. 

See, these people are all the memories I have of my dad. I don't have many pictures. And the ones I do have are not ones that I want to share. They either have the step witch in them or they were of him when we found out he had cancer. I would have more pictures of my entire family, pictures of me with my dad, pictures of Jerod with my dad, pictures of my dad during his 25+ years in the Navy.. BUT, that step witch violated the court order to give my dads things to me and burned his house down and everything in there was a total loss. That is one of the reason these new old connections are so important to me, they are all I have left of my unruly teenage years. Wait, I wasn't unruly, I was just a little wild and liked to have fun. How could you not when you are stuck smack in the middle of a bunch of ...ahem.... Navy guys who liked to party at my dads place? Whats that saying? If you can't beat them, join them. Hey, that's what memories are made of, fun times, good people, and beer. You live and you learn the hard way sometimes. I lived, learned, and grew up fast and I wouldn't change it for the world. Enough about that...

So, I am looking forward to making more new old facebook friends as they come along. Who says your past has to stay your past and cannot be part of your today and or future? If it wasn't for the internet, I would have never talked to these people again. If it works out.. wonderful... if it doesn't, that's to bad. But, I will never know unless I keep an open mind and try.

Here is getting to know you again!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Borrowed This and Had To Share

This is so true and amazing that I have been through these same exact and I mean EXACT feelings, fears, and emotions.

You don't know, but I am the mom who cries every morning and hopes every night for his safe return. I am the mom that drags herself out of bed every morning so that he will be proud of her when he comes home.

You don't know but I am the mom with a million things to say, but none will come out without the thought of him. I am the mom who checks her phone every 5 seconds just to make sure I haven't missed his call. I am the mom who stops and stares and wishes for him to return soon each and everytime another man in uniform walks by.

What you don't know is that I know love on an entirely different level than most. I know the love that spans time and space. The love that most parents are constantly searching for. ... See More... See More

I can tell you I know more about love in homecoming, then most know in a lifetime. You don't know that when he left a part of me went with him and a part of him stayed with me. You tell me that you know how I feel and understand what I am going through, but you have no idea, so please don't say you do.

What you don't realize is that I understand the true meaning of not only love but of longing and anticipation.

You don't see, but I am one of the few who gets goose bumps and choke back the tears as my heart fills with pride everytime I hear the national anthem play. I am one of those moms that will stand tall and stay strong on the outside when I feel like I am dying on the inside.

I am one of the moms who will make friends with complete strangers, for only they can begin to understand what I am going through for they go through it each and every day also with one of their loved ones serving. And please don't say you do, because you never will. You don't understand that I picture his face everywhere I go and he is with me in everything I do.
You think I don't cry anymore, that I have gotten over it... What you don't know is that I just hide it better.

You don't know the feeling the word "deployment" brings. Or the feeling of his hand as it slides out of your hand for what could be forever as he boards the bus, the ship or the plane that will take him to harms way. You don't know what that last smile, hug and kiss mean, how important that goodbye truly is.

You tell me you support the troops, I tell you I love a Marine. I am one of the silent, but outgoing. One of the weak but strong. Scared but Proud.

What you don't see is that he needs me & I need him.

I am one of those moms who stands tall behind her Marine.

Stands tall behind her hero.

Stands tall behind her son.

Watching silently and patiently as he serves and defends our country,praying many, many times throughout the day for his safety......waiting for him to come home with that same mischieveous smile and that same twinkle in his eyes and to hear those precious, precious words, "Mom, i'm on US soil. I'll be home soon."
You don't see that I will drop to my knees and thank God for my son's safe return. You don't know the tears of relief I will sob and you don't know that for the first time in seven months, I can truly breathe again.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It Doesn't Matter If I Am NOT Ready

It seems just like yesterday that Jerod returned home from Iraq. It was February 6th to be exact. I remember that previous night, the absolute best person in the world called me every hour on the hour with updates. She went out there when she thought they were coming in, and stayed for hours upon hours waiting for my son to come back to base. It was freezing cold, and her and all the girls stayed the course. They wanted to make sure that Jerod had family waiting on him when he got off the bus.

That same dear friend of mine is currently waiting on her own husband to get off that bus. The volcano in Iceland is preventing their timely return as we speak, but it will be soon. I can not wait to give the good ole "welcome home" on the phone. I love the Rosetti family like they are my own.

So what has led up to tonights rant that is evading my finger tips? I got the warning call. TMO has left with their gear. That means one thing. Any moment now. I am not ready, but that doesn't matter. Will I ever be ready to see my son go off to war? NO, I won't be. It feels like its the first time. This is deployment # 2 in less than 8 months. In February I learned how to sleep again, I didn't let a simple knock at the door make me jump out of my skin. I knew I could leave my house without fear of my phone ringing and me miss a phone call. I could turn off my computer without missing a chance to see him on Skype. I could breathe.. I could simply breathe.

Less than a week.. I will be up all night praying that my son stays safe.. praying that all the men with him will stay safe.. I will be packing boxes to ship.. I will be waiting for phone calls that I know will not be there because of where they are going, but I will wait anyway. There is a good thing about that though.. I got rid of the house phone and use my cell phone exclusive.. I will never miss a call. But none the less, I will be waiting. I will go back to leaving my door open. If its open, no one can knock, that is my philosphy. People laugh at me. Laugh all you want, I really do not care. I do what gets me through the day.

See, unless you are a parent or a wife of a Military servicemember, you cannot begin to understand what we go through. Especially very close families. When they are having a bad day, when they are stressed, when they are hungry, tired, or hurt, we feel it. I can bet you any amount of money, when Jerod is out of sorts I can feel every bit of it and I do not even have to talk to him to know. Its a mom thing. Let me do what I have to do to make life more bearable for myself. Don't laugh at me, mock me, or point fingers and tell me that I am crazy. I am a mom who will worry every single day until I know my son is back on US soil. It is NOT easy. It is down right terrifying.

I love my Marine with every ounce of my being. I will be right here waiting for his return. God willing he will return unharmed along with each and every one of the men that go along side of him. I will PRAY like there is no tomorrow and be grateful to see each and every day.

Monday, April 26, 2010

They Grow Up and Move On

Mr. and Mrs Jerod Upchurch.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I understand friends and family want to know everything there is to know about Jerods deployment. If I do not answer your questions or simply tell you that I can not talk about it, I am not avoiding your questions or do not want you to know the information that you are seeking. I simply cannot for Jerods safety tell you.

In the post down below this one, I gave some important information regarding OPSEC. Once you read it, you will fully understand that I am doing what I can to protect my son and his unit from any possible harm.

The intenet is a very dangerous place. Some people may not think so, but over the last two years I have really learned a lot about it. Everyone, I do not care who they are, are enemies to me. I trust no one with any information that pertains to my son.

My blogging will not be completely detailed. I will give information that I know as fact, I will not speculate on something I do not have full knowledge of. I will post pictures as I get them, but I will not post them if I do not feel that it is safe.

Please feel free to comment on any of the posts that I have here on the blog. But I ask that you be courtious to all who read my blog. I have elderly family and friends and family and friends who do not want to see some of the conversations people have.

One thing I want to make VERY CLEAR, If at any time someone leaves a comment on my blog that is offensive to ANY branch of the Military I will delete the comment and block the poster. I do not like the war either. That does not mean that I do not stand by the men and women who are out there fighting the war to protect our Country. These men and women are our future. My great grand father, grandfather, father, and now my son have all fought in a war, I will stand proud and say I SUPPORT ALL OF OUR MILITARY and everything they are about. If you don't want to stand with them, by all means, find somewhere else to go away from my blog.

I am glad we all understand each other.


Operations Security, or OPSEC, is keeping potential adversaries from discovering our critical information. As the name suggests, it protects our operations planned, in progress, and those completed. Success depends on secrecy and surprise, so the military can accomplish the mission faster and with less risk. Our adversaries want our information, and they don't concentrate on only sailors to get it. They want you, the family member.

Protecting Critical Information

Even though information may not be secret, it can be what we call critical information. Critical information deals with specific facts about military intentions, capabilities, operations or activities. If an adversary knew this detailed information, our mission accomplishment and personnel safety could be jeopardized. It must be protected to ensure an adversary doesn't gain a significant advantage. By being a member of the military family, you! u will often know some bits of critical information. Do not discuss them outside of your immediate family and especially not over the telephone.

Examples Of Critical Information
Detailed information about the mission of assigned units.

Details on locations and times of unit deployments.

Personnel transactions that occur in large numbers (Example: pay information, powers of attorney, wills, deployment information).

References to trends in unit morale or personnel problems.

Details concerning security procedures.

Puzzle Pieces

These bits of information may seem insignificant. However, to a trained adversary, they are small pieces of a puzzle that highlight what were doing and planning. Remember, the elements of security and surprise are vital to the accomplishment of our goals and our collective personnel protection.

Where and how you discuss this information is just as important as with whom you discuss it. Adverse agents tasked with collecting information frequently visit some of the same stores, clubs, recreational areas, or places of worship as you do.

Determined individuals can easily collect data from cordless and cellular phones, and even baby monitors, using inexpensive receivers available from local electronics stores.

If anyone, especially a foreign national, persistently seeks information, notify your military sponsor immediately. He or she will notify the unit OPSEC program manager.

What Can You Do?

There are many countries and organizations that would like to harm Americans and degrade our influence in the world. It's possible, and not unprecedented, for spouses and family members of U.S. military personnel to be targeted for intelligence collection. This is true in the United States and especially true overseas! What can you do?

Be Alert

Foreign governments and organizations collect significant amounts of useful information by using spies. A foreign agent may use a variety of approaches to befriend someone and get sensitive information. This sensitive information can be critical to the success of a terrorist or spy, and consequently deadly to Americans.

Be Careful

There may be times when your spouse cannot talk about the specifics of his or her job. It's very important to conceal and protect certain information such as flight schedules, ship movements, temporary duty (TDY) locations, and installation activities, for example. Something as simple as a phone discussion about where your spouse is deploying, or going TDY, can be very useful to our enemies.


All Family Members Are Part Of The Military OPSEC Team. They Need To Protect Information To Ensure The Safety Of All Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Coast Guards, Civilians, And their Families.

You Are A Vital Player In Our Success!

As a family member of our military community, you are a vital player in our success, and we couldn't do our job without your support. You may not know it, but you also play a crucial role in ensuring your loved one safety. You can protect your family and friends by protecting what you know of the military day-to-day operations. That's OPSEC.

Wounded Marine wants to go back

Reported by: Alex Drude
Last Update: 4/23 4:17 am

Eugene (KMTR)-

"I was running through a poppy field and got tagged.  Happens."

That's how Dustin Blackwell explains what happened to him on March 29th in Afghanistan.  The 19-year old Marine was shot by an enemy soldier, taken off the front lines and to the hospital, and less than a month later, is back in Eugene, resting.  He's already received his Purple Heart for being wounded in combat as well as several other commendations and medals.

But if he had his way, he'd be back in Afghanistan with his fellow Marines.  Almost as soon as he returned to the United States, he asked the highest-ranking General in the Marines if he could go back to his unit.

"I asked him if he'd send me back.  He said no, I had to heal, had to wait.  But I guess that's the thing with Marines.  As soon as we get hurt we want to go right back."

He says it's weird to go from being up and active in Afghanistan 24/7 to being forced to sit on his couch and do nothing.  It's also weird for him to be thanked by people for serving his country- and getting shot at while doing so. 

"I'm only 19.  It's a weird feeling of people older than you (saying) thank you for (being in the military).  It doesn't feel like I've really done anything special.  I was doing my job, that's what I signed up for, and it's just a hazard."

Blackwell says he wants to go back because he wants to help his fellow Marines do their job.  "I'd rather take another bullet than have one of my buddies take one."

But he won't be able to rejoin his unit in Afghanistan for the remainder of their tour, which is about another six months.  But he would be eligible for their next tour in about a year and a half- if troops are still being deployed to Afghanistan at that time.

This my friends is a true Marine.. OOHRAH and Semper Fi

United They Stand

Best friends forever is an understatment when it comes to these men. They have all grown up together since wee little fellers. They always acted like brothers. When you saw one, you saw another. They all became "brothers" in a way that makes us all proud. Even though they are now scattered all over the world, I am able to keep in touch. I love these men more than words can say. I am so very proud to call them my sons even though only one is my "actual" son.
Jerod in Iraq

Frank at Camp LeJeune

Nick at Mojave Viper

Robert after Boot Camp

Jacob here at home. He has been to boot but came home on an injury. He will be headed back to boot this summer to become a United States Marine.
                                                                Cody in Iraq (Army)

These fine men all grew up together, now they are brothers in every sense of the word. This small little town is not the same without them all here. It sure is quieter!!

I miss you boys. I am so very proud of each and every one of you. I love you all more than words can say.

The Third Love of My Life

Bradley is a funny character. He has not been around long enough to do all the wild and crazy things his brother and sister have done in their lives. But then again, he is a rare bird that does not get into the same things. He is not sports inclined like the other two were. He is more of an intellectually inclined child where the other two weren't.

Bradley was my best baby. Never cried or caused me any grief. He is my healthiest kid, but he has had his moments. He never complains and is just an all around go with the flow kinda person. I will be the first to say, he is a welcome change to the every day hussle and bussle. He still loves to just walk up to mom and give her a hug and a kiss and does not care if people make fun of him!! Gotta love it.

I am sure I will be coming back here in the years to come with some complaints as he gets older. He is getting close to hitting his teenage years and thats normally when all hell breaks loose. So just give it time and I will have more to say about him for sure..

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Verdict is In

I did not have to say much of anything to the School Board. The principal was there and he took care of everything. Seems as though doctors notes were in Bradleys file that were not entered into the system (attendance ladies fault) and the 2 days that Bradley stayed home with Jerod while on leave were the principals dicretion and were supposed to be marked excused but weren't and then the TSA trip same story, was unexcused.

All has been fixed. Mom is not in jail. Bradley is not on academic suspension. I did not have to pay the $50 fine and $150 court costs (that in itself is bogus) . And all of his absences have been EXCUSED.. All in all a good day!

How could anyone be mad at that face????

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Round 1.. Kim fights the School Board

Tomorrow I have to go to Juvenile Court to plead my case about my 11 year old son Bradley's TRUANCY.

See.. here is the deal.. We had not seen Jerod since April 2009. Jerod deployed to Iraq in October 2009. Jerod returned from Iraq in February 2010. And by this point we still had not seen him yet. Jerod while in Iraq volunteered to go to Afghanistan with another unit who was short personnel. Jerod came home on March 24th on pre-deployment leave. I made Bradley continue the rest of the week at school, even though I was getting flack from Jerod and Bradley. At the schools urging, I let Bradley stay home Monday and Tuesday to spend some quality time with Jerod and Daniella. The rest of the week I made him go to school.

Last week, I get a letter in the mail telling me that I had to bring Bradley and myself to juvenile court on Friday April 23rd to tell them why my son has missed 5 days of school. Although I was FLOORED when I read it, I had to sit back and laugh.What in the hell are these people thinking? For 1. The principal and the teachers TOLD me to keep Bradley home. Told me Bradley has talked about missing his brother and that they both needed the time together. I agreed. In our school handbook, it states and I quote " A one day absence for students whose parent or guardian is leaving for active military duty, and a one day absence for students whose parent or guardian is returning from active military duty" Granted Jerod is not his parent or guardian, he is none the less his blood immediate family and a service member in our military. I did not abuse the system, Bradley stayed out 1 day for his brother returning from a WAR and 1 day for his brother DEPLOYING TO A WAR. They can kiss my ass!!

To beat it all, Bradley is also involved in a School Sponsored club. TSA to be exact. We went on a SCHOOL competition field trip that I chaperoned. Those days have also been counted UNEXCUSED. HELLO!!!! Is this County lacking the brain cells it needs to operate? 

So yea, this has me a little pissed off. We go to court tomorrow and I am out for blood. There is no one in this world that is going to tell me how to parent my children. I have wonderful law abiding, never in trouble, awesome grades, respectful, kids. They do not run the streets, do drugs, hang out in parking lots, bring weapons to school, etc.. that a lot of these other under parented kids do around here. For crying out loud he wanted to spend time with his brother. A brother who is out there playing his part in protecting our Country. So in a nice way I will tell them to get off my ass and remind them that when Jerod returns in December that Bradley will be out of class once again, spending time with his brother who has returned from his second war. And if they don't like it they can take it up with some one else and leave me the hell alone. These are MY kids and I will do with them what I feel necessary. Lord willing, Jerod will come home from this war unharmed, and Bradley will get to enjoy every minute I let him stay home!

Marines Practice for Real Thing

March 11, 2010 - 5:26 PM

by: Rick Leventhal

After pounding targets in the California desert Wednesday until almost midnight, Marines with the Marines' 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion spent Thursday morning cleaning and reloading before heading north deeper into the Air Ground Combat Center at 29 Palms. By midday the massive 155mm Howitzer cannons were firing again, softening targets for three-companies-worth of tanks and LAV-25s to finish off.

Air support came in the form of Cobra Attack Helicopter gunships, raining missiles, cannon fire and TOW rockets on the desert floor while fixed wings dropped real 500-pound bombs on burned-out hulks of old tanks, vehicles and other designated targets.

"Pretty successful" is how the battalion commander summed up the overnight assault, admitting there were some timing issues with artillery that needed to be addressed.

Lt. Col. Scott Leonard seemed more pleased after the daytime ops, saying his Marines made great time and reached all their objectives, navigating remote sections of rugged terrain for the first time with maps and GPS.

Sunday they'll move to a Forward Operating Base at 29 Palms and begin integrating with hundreds of Afghani actors living in a mock-up of a village nearby, learning how to interact with locals while searching for potential threats from insurgents within the community.

The commander says his men take the training very seriously, knowing full well when they get to Afghanistan, the targets and dangers will be real.

Marines Live Fire Training

March 10, 2010 - 1:39 PM

by: Rick Leventhal

Marines with the 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion (1st LAR) out of Camp Pendleton, CA will soon be deploying to Afghanistan to join the surge in the fight against the Taliban (the details of their travel is classified).
Before they ship out, every Marine headed to a combat zone gets 30 days of live fire training at 29 Palms Air Ground Combat Center in the California desert, roughly 180 miles east of Los Angeles. The "Mojave Viper Exercises" are a combined-arms dress rehearsal for war, involving all platforms of Marine assets. In other words, they use infantry, Light Armored Vehicles, Tanks, Howitzer Cannons, attack helicopters and fixed wing fighters and bombers in offensive and defensive operations against an "enemy" (empty structures, vehicle hulks and other targets) in urban and rural environments in an expansive area closely resembling conditions in the middle east.

At 932 square miles, 29 Palms is the largest live-fire training base in the world. It's bigger than the state of Rhode Island. It's so large you could fit every other Marine base within it's borders, yet only 7 of it's square miles are built up so instructors say you could fire a 155mm Howitzer cannon in any direction and not hit anything besides desert.

Jerod was involved in these exercises. You can click the following link to watch the video.

The Second Love of My Life

Chrissy is my second born. She was always a very active child. She did not care if she got dirty. More often than not, the more dirty she was the happier she was. That eventually changed though!

Chrissy kept me the busiest out of all of my kids. She, just like Jerod was a dare devil. If it constituted danger she was right in the middle of it. She has been the best one in school by far. I don't think the boys really cared much about school but Chrissy seems to really enjoy it. SMART, where she got it from, I have no clue.

Chrissy played softball for years and years. She played for the her Middle school as well as parks and rec. Her favorite was travel softball. All the way up til she tore her Maniscus (sp). That pretty much closed her softball career down. She played most all positions, but bending as one of the only catchers that could catch for Chelsea did no good for her knees.

Chrissy started high school and pretty much hated it. There wasn't much of a challenge for her academically. She got bored easily and was one of the only kids that would skip school and come home and take a nap and still make strait A's in all honors classes. We as a family decided at the start of her Junior year to just pull her out of high school and home school her. She had really started to get sick (literally) all the time since starting high school. So bad that at one point in her freshman year, she had to be placed on home bound for 7 weeks because we could not get her better no matter what me or the doctors did. That continued all through her sophomore year as well. So home school was the best option. August of 2009 Chrissy started her Junior year as a home schooler, and completely graduated high school in March 2010.

Now we are college bound. I have never in my life seen someone want to go to college so bad, but the college's give them so much hell. She has had to jump through so many hoops to try and get into any college, but I have a feeling the troubles are starting to come to an end. Hopefully in August she will be a college student.

New journey

I promised family members that I would keep them all up to date on what life has thrown at me and the kids. Well that was about 3 years ago and I just never got around to it. I guess now is the time to keep everyone in the loop since I have 3 wonderful kids with 3 totally different personalities. Not to mention, I have a shit load of "adopted" kids who call me mom, Nana, and a few other not so nice names.

So here is to keeping everyone updated. BUT, beware, Jerod is about to go on his second deployment and Chrissy is getting ready to start college. This blog could get very interesting!!

My Very First Love

Jerod is the first love of my life. He was such a great kid most of the time, but always liked to keep me on my toes. Who would have thought that a child who could never stand to get his hands dirty would end up where he is now.

Jerod is my dare devil. He played baseball most all of his life. At 12 years old, he was the 2nd fastest pitcher in Tennessee for his age. He pitched the winning pitch that helped win the State Tournament, and pitched the winning pitch of the only game we won in the Regional competition. That may not seem like a lot to most people, but that one single game we won in Regionals was against Florida. Florida almost had an undefeated season and an undefeated Regional Tournament until they met up against Jerod. Florida went on to win the Little League World Series, but they will have the ever lasting reminder that Jerod Upchurch screwed up their undefeated season.

Jerod left baseball for his new found love. Jerod got his first quad (4 wheeler) at the age of 13. When it was bought, it was just for leisure riding. That changed very quickly as he leared that he could race. Jerod had to get special permission from the racing authorities to race in the adult class, and I had to assume all responsibilities if he got hurt. Ok, no problem. Jerod started racing against 25, 30, and some 40 year olds at the age of 13. It started out rocky at first, but as he got used to it he started pulling in numerous 1st place wins. Jerod went on to win his first Summer Championship and gained a lot of recognition from all the "older" guys. The next season, a lot of them "older" guys went to the seniors division because they did not want to race against him anymore! A few more championships under his belt, and his racing came to an end. His quad could not hold up to his brutality and Jerods last race of his career ended with him running himself over with his own quad. Mind you, he was not hurt BAD, but just bad enough to take a break. He never went back to racing again. But it sure was fun while it lasted.

In 2007 Jerod came to me and told me that he wanted to take a big step in his life. That I could get on board with him, or he would wait until he was 18 and take the step on his own. Jerod wanted to join the Marine Corps. Being a military brat myself most of all my life, I knew what the risks were. Jerod was dead set on joining all I could do is stand behind his decisions and sign the paper like he asked. He left for boot camp a mere 3 days after high school graduation. Watching that van pull away with my oldest child in it was one of the hardest days of my life. Jerod went through boot, and all of his schooling. His permanent duty station ended up being in Californial. It was a long way away from Tennessee but nothing a car or a plane couldn't handle. In October 2009, Jerod embarked on his first deployment. He was then Iraq bound. Deployment was not as hard as I imagined. The hardest part was the prep in my opinion. I was able to keep in contact with Jerod almost constantly. Through Skype, all things were possible. Then facebook and myspace updates. Mom stayed realitively sane. There were some tense moments, but nothing we couldn't handle. Pictures, phone calls, and sending packages were my only lifelines to my first born. One phone call that I will never forget is the one that would rip my heart to shreds, but make me even prouder of the man my son had become. Jerod was coming home to go into more training because he volunteered to go with another unit to Afghanistan the following April. Jerod made it back home in February 2010 and went almost immediately to Viper training for his upcoming deployment. Jerod came home on pre-deployment leave at the end of March and stayed through Easter. I will finish up with the story and the many changes that have come to be my "new" life in the next entry about Jerod and his new journey.

New Blog

Ok.... So I forgot all about my last blog, so I deleted it. I promise I will keep up with this one as life has drastically changed since my last one. Hold on tight, it is sure to get interesting around here!